Sending an email and getting an adequate open rate can truly be seen as an art form. It requires some good techniques, but also starts with an eye-catching subject line. Today we discuss a few tips that will to encourage recipients to open your emails and learn more about what your business has to offer!

Make it Personalized

Rather than using generic words like “customer” or “client” in a subject line, opt for a more personalized approach by using the name of your recipient! Personalization helps your email stand out from others in your customer’s inbox, and has been shown to especially increase open rates when used with targeted emails, such as birthday deals.

Be Descriptive

Boring or bland language will discourage customers from opening your emails. Think about the kind of email subject lines that prompt you to open them! Descriptive and interesting language keeps customers engaged. Lines like “Sizzling summer deals you can’t miss” are much more persuasive than something like “Best summer deals.”

Keep it Short and Sweet

Short and concise email subject lines are read more often than ones that are too lengthy. When they’re too long, they don’t have that same punchy impact. You don’t want the subject line to be too short or vague, but you should try to make your point in as little words as possible. A general rule of thumb is to make a subject line between 30-50 characters.

Create a Sense of Urgency or Curiosity

Email subject lines are often most effective when they create a sense of urgency. Subject lines like “don’t miss out on our New Year’s promotion” compel customers to open the email and get the deal before it’s too late.

Similarly, creating a sense of curiosity will entice readers to read into the rest of the email. You want to create a sense of mystery and leave them hanging a little, so that they feel the need to keep reading. Just remember not to be too ambiguous in the sense that it doesn’t align with your brand.

Use Emotional Words

Emotional words are also useful for enticing recipients to open emails. Examples of emotional words are “brand new” and “breaking,” as they capture the interest of recipients and prompt them to want to learn more. As consumers, we are always on the lookout for what’s new, so these words are great for catching the reader’s eye if you have a new product or service to announce!

Again, getting customers to open your emails can be challenging, but try out some of these tips and you are likely to see improvements. Remember to keep your audience in mind when writing your subject line, put yourself in their shoes, and think about what would grab your attention and prompt you to want to read more.


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